Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What is Ovulation

What is Ovulation

How Do You Know When You Ovulate: When a mature egg or ovum is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube for fertilization by the sperm cell is termed ovulation.
There are Various hormones responsible for this process and ovulation occurs every month in the life of a woman. An ovum is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube for fertilization.
An egg released by the ovary lives for 12 to 24 hours.If not fertilized, it disintegrates. There are various signs of ovulation as discussed in the below. Some factors such as stress, illness, and change in normal routines can affect the time of ovulation.
During ovulation, some women experience mild spotting, but this should not be confused with menstrual flow.

How do you know when you ovulate

There are various signs of ovulation but note that Ovulation can occur in the absence of menstrual period. You have to know these symptoms of ovulation in a woman because they will help you identify your fertile period.
In some women, ovulation comes with mild pain near the ovaries, and it's called 'middle pain.' It occurs on one side of the pelvis.
There may be mild spotting due to the release of the egg from the ovary.
The breasts are very tender during ovulation and its due to the surge in hormones during ovulation.
There is an increased libido (sex drive).
Bloating may be experienced
Increased sense of vision, taste, and smell.

When The Egg Is Released After Period

The ovaries release one mature egg during ovulation, and it occurs 14 days before the start of your period.In a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs between day 10 and 18. So note that you can you ovulate a few days before your period.

Your Menstrual Cycle, Your Fertility

What Time of Month Am I Most Fertile: You have to note the meaning of fertile window.The ovulation calculator is very important in tracking your fertile period.You can achieve success by using the ovulation calendar to calculate your fertile days. Ovulation occurs mostly between day 11 to Day 20 counting from the first day of the last menstrual period, and it called the 'fertile period.' Fertile window is When you are most likely to get pregnant.

LH surge and getting pregnant

You ovulate 24 to 36 hours after LH surge.

How long after lh surge do you ovulate

Luteinizing hormone (LH) surge occurs about 24-36 hours before ovulation.LH surge timing alone can increase your chances of getting the sperm to fertilize the egg leading to signs of pregnancy.

Can I ovulate with no LH surge on the OPK's

No, you can't ovulate without having an LH surge. Sometimes, your LH surge may not be picked up by an ovulation predictor kit (OPK).

How Long Does Ovulation Last Each Month

Ovulation lasts between 12 to 48 hours.Note that you can remain fertile for up to 6 days after ovulation.

Continue Reading Here: How Do You Know When You Ovulate

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